Sunday, February 1, 2009

Somethings Are Better Left Unsaid

With the advent of carbon trading most likely to be adopted in the U.S. sometime in 2009 and a very near global meeting in Copenhagen regarding climate change, energy and world leaders should weigh their words carefully (much like me in this blog). Commentaries such as this one in which carbon trading and subprime are used in the same breath certainly are (in the words of Borat) NOT good. Such words will certaily not convince a significant global population (especially in the U.S.) that believe the carbon markets are nothing more than a tool to offset Al Gore's waist line (what, too far?) instead of a tool to fight climate change or (if you don't believe in that scientific consensus mumbo jumbo) to improve the overall global environment. Granted, the current carbon trading markets commited the ultimate capitalistic sin in giving away credits for free under Kyoto, but let bygones be bygones, shall we? The overall message of the commentary is a good one, this may be our last shot at getting it right, so let us be meticulous in creating an efficient global carbon market and ensure the appropriate regulations and appropriate systems are incorporated. But trying to exclude the financial markets from the carbon trading markets is like trying to keep Al Gore from buffet line (sorry, couldn't resist, I do like the guy if that helps). Further, the world is still being sold on this carbon trading idea so can we watch our carbon related language, there are children present.

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